Post 24 I Am Who God Created

My Missions
A Christ-Centered Journey; Inspiring the Individual, Empowering the Christian, & Motivating the Writer

I am very blessed and grateful for those blessings!  Jesus walks with me hand in hand and heart to heart. Sometimes I stumble, but I dust myself off and get back in step with Jesus.

I was adopted with two brothers and we all grew up together in Lynchburg, Tennessee.  I later found my birth family

My husband committed suicide at his employer's.  PTSD  He had been an awarded expert marksman as a sniper.

We ran team over the road big truck long haul for 20+ years.  I enjoyed the travel and meeting folks, but the best part was the CB.  I shared God/Jesus/Bible with anyone who would listen.

One exceptional witness for God's help is I can tell you this.  I was driving.  Heavy Christmas traffic had begun to lighten up from El Paso, Texas.  I just revved the power up to get our grossed out load (80,00 pounds)up the big hill in Las Cruces, New Mexico.  Pulling into the fast lane, a car hit the brakes, (the driver had missed his exit) stopped dead in front of me, and the indistinguishable person's head turned toward the exit to another interstate.  Hair went up on my neck as I called to God.  There was going to be a bad wreck.  Big rigs were hitting the shoulder to miss the catastrophe about to happen.  The car LEVITATED to the shoulder!!  It did not pull over!!  It LEVITATED!! We all saw it and could not believe our eyes.  Many a trucker and I discussed the wonders of God all the way to California.

Though I am disabled with a terminal autoimmune disease (scleroderma) and almost at the finish line of breast cancer, I refuse to give up.  There is a lot of trauma behind me including the suicide of my husband and other issues. 

 There is a ton of extraordinary adventures seeded in my life yet to accomplish at age 63 young.  I, have one daughter and three sons.  I currently have numerous grandchildren and one great-grandchild.  All are healthy and beautiful.

 I reach beyond the world and myself. I reach for Jesus.  Peace! Love! Happiness!

My home/hub online is Heartspun Dreamscape

You will find my writing destination blog here Writers Wings and Things

You will find my poetry amongst fellow poets and poetesses at Poetry Panache

You will find my journal here Blessed Meandering

You will find Shady Lane to be my home.

If you are curious about scleroderma, go here Scleroderma Warriors

AND if you want to join our writer's group go here  Spirit/Automatic Writing for the Heart

I enjoy;

Christ, Bible, Writing, Reading, poetry, Seaside, Shells, flip flops, birding, photography, computer creativity and artists (I have been online since the beginning of the net), gardening, home designer, with family and friends tucked safely within it all!  I enjoy designing, crafting, gardening, cooking, and an awful lot of this and that.

I f you follow all seven blogs in our community (list posted on each blog) you will come to know me and my heart.

Below you will find my two brothers and me just after we were adopted.

Post 23 Author's Tips/Sheldon D. Newton

"Procrastination is the thief of true productivity, success and progress!"
Perhaps the greatest roadblock to becoming an author or writing articles may be procrastination! I speak much along these lines in my book, "Diligence, The Master Key To Achieving Your Dreams." We keep putting things off, saying that we will get to it later. This is true for practically any area where true success and progress is available and attainable, however, never reached because one keeps putting things off.
To procrastinate does not mean that we are not intending on doing something. Oh, we intend on doing it. We intend on writing that article. We intend on getting that book done. We intend on doing that new podcast. We intend on cleaning up that room. (Smile) However, while intentions are good, they are actually no good and of no value until we act upon them. Intending on writing is not writing.
Procrastination is putting things off continually, while always promising yourself (and perhaps others) that you will get to it later or soon. The person will procrastinates never does for 'later' apparently never really comes for this person.
Your time is valuable, probably one of the greatest assets you have been given. If you desire to make progress as a writer or an author, you will have to practice managing your time wisely and make the firm decision to 'MASTER PROCRASTINATION.' No one truly succeeds until he/she does!
What will it take to master procrastination? First, it will take a made up mind. It will take a resolve to get up and get going in the direction you desire to go, with the firm determination to reach you mark. As an author, practice making timelines of when you are going to write your book and when you are going to finish. Develop the habit of writing each day, or at least five days a week, even if it is only a few paragraphs or a few pages. Don't look at how far you have to go. Instead, make progress each day. An old Chinese proverb by Lao Tzu says, and I quote, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step." Keep this in mind as you pursue your goals as a writer or in any endeavor in life. Each step towards your goal is progress!
I would also caution you to stop beating yourself up repeatedly concerning what you have not done yet. It is easy to continually blame oneself for things we intended to do, but for some reason or another, we did not do. Stop condemning yourself. Instead, look at what you need to do now. That is what matters. Then get busy doing, get busy writing!
The second thing we shall have to practice doing in order to master procrastination is to write even if we do not get that "writing feeling!" Feelings are interesting. Much of the time, in order to make true progress on any goal, we have to go past our emotions of the moment and simply focus on doing what we need to do. I write whether I feel like it or not. Amazingly, my feelings come along afterwards. This is an incredible point, so consider it well. STOP waiting on the feelings to write, (or to work on your goals, even if it is simply cleaning up your room). (Smile).
Get busy working on that goal. Get busy writing. Get busy doing and your feelings - when it sees you are serious - will follow. As you progress in putting your feelings under, mastering procrastination, you will discover that - if you are consistent and persistent - your feelings will start to become your friend and learn to work with your desires, purposes and pursuits.
MASTER PROCRASTINATION! Work each day on writing. If you persist and be diligent you will reach your goal, one day at a time, one step at a time!
If you can push to overcome procrastination, you will be amazed at what you can and will accomplish, and the progress you will make in life. This is even true in relation to writing or becoming an author. MASTER PROCRASTINATION!

Article Source:

Post 22 How to Fit Your Voice to Your Message/Brenda C. Smith

Are you struggling to get your message across to engage your listeners? Voice-over speakers, pod-casters, and radio announcers have only the sound of their voices to impress their listeners effectively. Your voice is a distraction or an attraction, for your audience to either tune you in, or tune you out.
Unless you are doing unique character voice-overs, here are three key approaches to speaking over the microphone to keep your listeners involved, and to enhance the sound of your voice.
# 1. Set the Overall Tone to Fit Your Audience
The first three words you speak are critical. Rather than "talking down" to a listener, a conversational tone will always win over an audience member as it immediately warms them to hearing your voice. By avoiding a stilted tone, you can extend your vocal impact further to be encouraging, persuasive, and even dramatic as you move forward.
A good exercise is to breathe deeply three times with the diaphragm to help you relax before you are about to speak, and then continue to breath quietly over your microphone throughout.
#2. Emphasis Key Words with Different Pitch Strategies
The immediate approach to stress the importance of your message is to speak certain words or phrases with extra volume. However, you will gain more attraction if you use a variety of pitch levels to emphasize your missive. Choosing key verbs, adjectives, or nouns with changes to higher or lower pitch levels will avoid a monotone. Practise saying "ah" rising and lowering your pitch levels.
From your key words choose what tone to match, for example, being curious, mysterious, exciting, joyful, professional, sad, quiet, or any other emotion. Play with vocal nuances on your key words. It isn't necessary to emphasize every word, so be selective to know what words would work if you were having an actual conversation with a friend or colleague.
Avoid sounding as if you are reading your content, for example, record your speech and then listen to it with your eyes closed. Are you allowing for expression, and for your audience to keep pace with you to understand your message?
#3. Become Familiar with Using a Microphone
Maintain the same distance between your mouth and your microphone to speak clearly and have the appropriate volume. Use your microphone in rehearsal to analyze your voice sound, your breathing, your volume, and expressive pitch levels.
A major challenge is to check speech for clear articulation to avoid slurring your words, and to check your pace including the flow from one idea to another.
Overall, use your breathing to relax yourself before your next broadcasting episode and do a vocal warmup to prepare your voice for work. It's time for you to give your best quality sound on your next on-air event!
Finally, there's a book to help you improve not only the sound of your voice, but your delivery style. Inside Breathe... Just Steps to Breathtaking Speeches, you'll find the breathing techniques used by actors, voice-over speakers, singers, and presenters to create those fascinating nuances that draw in an audience. Other books and resources available: Speak With Confidence Even After Dentures. Go to

Article Source:

Post 21 Grammarly Invite

Everyone Can Be a Great Writer 

Grammarly allows me to get those communications out and feel confident that I’m putting my best foot forward. Grammarly is like a little superpower, especially when I need to be at 110%.”

Jeanette Stock
Co-founder of Venture Out

From grammar and spelling to style and tone, Grammarly helps you eliminate errors and find the perfect words to express yourself.
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Post 20 From the Write Life

Hi there!
We’ve got something special planned for our subscribers over the next few weeks...
Because who doesn’t love freebies? Open emails from us, and you’ll get lots of them.
Writing instructor Emily Withnall created this massive list of prompts for us. She included experimental prompts, place-based prompts, emotional prompts, prompts for revision and more. Fifteen pages of prompts is a lot to choose from!
We hope this gets your creativity flowing. Enjoy!

Here’s the link to share: 101 Creative Writing Prompts Freebie.

Post 19 ...Copywriting/Rebecca Matter

URGENT Bulletin: Every new, aspiring and experienced writer needs to know about this…

The Current State of Copywriting

A mega shift is happening in the copywriting world… and it’s created a short window of opportunity for writers like you.
One that could put you squarely on the path to having a fun, simple, and predictable income for yourself —
WITHOUT writing a word of sales copy!

From the desk of Rebecca Matter, President of AWAI and Founder of Wealthy Web Writer …
Rebecca Matter
Dear Reader,
The last time I saw a major shift like this in the copywriting world was a little over 10 years ago.
At the time, most copywriters were still entrenched in writing for the direct mail and print world.
But it was clear to me that writing for the web was where the future was headed.
I was right. Many new and aspiring copywriters who listened to me, and took advantage of the opportunity early on, now have very successful careers.
Today, I see another huge change happening right now that can’t be ignored. It’s just as big as writing for the web was back then… maybe even bigger.
And here’s the crazy part — it has nothing to do with writing sales copy.
In fact, you can take advantage of this opportunity and go on to become a “million-dollar” copywriter without ever writing a single sales letter!
That’s how big and lucrative this opportunity is. Because practically every business in the world needs this.
And in just a moment, I’ll tell you how you can take immediate advantage of it.
First, let me tell you about the big change that’s happening right now… and why it’s created a short window of opportunity for you as a writer to create a fun, simple, and even predictable income for yourself very quickly.

The Days of the “Wild West” on the Web Are Over…

When I first spotted the web as a huge opportunity for writers, it was still a relatively new medium.
Companies were only starting to see the power of the Web and the impact it could have on their business …
Social media — or “Web 2.0” as they called it back then — was just showing up on the scene.
The possibilities seemed endless and the early adopters began using all kinds of copy to successfully sell more of their products and services.
But as more and more companies joined the fray, things got more competitive.
The bar kept getting raised.
What worked like gangbusters before slowly fizzled out. Web visitors grew tired of seeing the same old tactics and always being talked at and sold to.
Which brings us to where we are today …
Practically every company on earth now has a web presence, be it through a website, social media, or both. All of them are vying for attention and now web visitors are more skeptical than ever before.
Today, it takes a LOT more effort to gain someone’s attention. And it’s even HARDER to gain their trust online.
Bottom line:
The web is all “grown up” as a medium.
For a company to succeed online these days, they have to be FAR more sophisticated with their strategy and copy than ever before.
They can’t rely on old tactics and styles of copy to get attention and gain the trust of new customers.
Because of this, companies are having to rely on new and innovative strategies… and incidentally, a new style of copy.
One that many believe is the FUTURE of where the web is going:
[This] is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the Internet…”
— Bill Gates
This is such a big shift, even Microsoft’s Founder believes it’s where the future is headed for online business.
And his startling prediction is starting to come true…
The market for this is expected to grow to $300 BILLION by next year … and remember, this is NOT B2B, writing sales letters, emails, homepages, or anything like that.
This unprecedented growth is all because this kind of copy and marketing WORK. Amazingly well. It helps build trust, connection, and fosters long-term customer relationships.
In other words, it’s “win-win” all around.
Which is why…

EVERY Company on Earth Needs This — And It’s Opened Up a Whole New World of Opportunity for You as a Writer

Because it doesn’t matter what kind of company it is.
They need this type of copy.
It’s critical for their long-term success and growth.
Take Apple, for instance.
They’re now the most valuable company in the world — yet they recently announced a $1 billion initiative to stay on top of this growing trend.
Or PepsiCo…
They just opened a dedicated 4,000-square-foot studio in the heart of New York’s trendy SoHo district to do the same.
And they’re not the only ones…
All kinds of companies large and small are jumping in with both feet.
This includes some of the world’s most recognized brands, like Virgin Mobile, L’Oréal, American Express, and Marriott.
Here at AWAI, we aim to get as MUCH of this type of copy as possible, each and every month.
It’s that valuable to us (you should see all the checks we send out!).
And get this —
The demand for this kind of copy is so huge… your prospective clients are literally a stone’s throw away…
A recent industry survey found that nearly 90% of ALL businesses are using this type of copy.
Because it’s increasingly becoming one of the few ways they can reach their prospective clients and customers.
So as you might imagine, they’re spending BIG money to do it.

How to Become a “Six-Figure” (or even “Million-Dollar”) Copywriter — Without Ever Writing a Single Sales Letter

By now, you may be wondering how much these companies are willing to pay for this kind of copy…
In order to answer that question, let’s take a look at what writing this kind of copy entails.
For starters, the kind of copy all these companies need is not designed to “sell, sell, sell.”
Trying to sell when writing this kind of copy would be a huge mistake. After all, remember that it’s getting harder and harder to get someone’s attention and gain their trust online.
Instead, what these companies need is fairly short copy — just a couple of hundred words or so, typically. But they need a LOT of it on a regular basis… and they need someone who can help them plan it out AND write it for them month after month.
For this, companies are more than happy to pay hefty retainer fees. Usually in the neighborhood of $5,000+ per month.
That’s $60,000 a year to plan out and write short copy that is NOT time-intensive like a traditional sales letter. In fact, this writing is more akin to writing fiction or short stories than it is to writing sales or “business” copy.
So that’s a potential of $60,000 a year… from just one client.
Land two good clients and bam! — you’re instantly a six-figure writer.
If you’re more ambitious, simply work with more clients and your income will climb real fast. The sky’s the limit! (There are some writers even earning seven-figures doing this.)
It’s really up to you.
No matter what your lifestyle preferences are, this is a fun, simple, and refreshing way to make a better-than-good living as a writer. You get to do work that’s fulfilling with clients who HIGHLY respect what you do!
Here’s what’s even more exciting…

We’re Still in the Early Stages of This Massive Shift — Meaning YOU Can Reap the Rewards of Becoming an “Early Adopter”

Right now, there’s a small window of opportunity for writers who want to embrace this new style of copy.
That’s because it’s all still in its early days. It still hasn’t reached critical mass.
But given the speed and scale at which companies are spending money on this, that could happen very soon.
As I mentioned earlier, by next year, this will have grown into a $300 billion market. And it shows no signs of stopping.
So if you want to learn a skill that can practically “future-proof” your writing career and will be relevant for decades to come…
… and if you want a skill that allows you to make as big of an income as you want without ever writing a single sales letter
Then now’s the time to do it.
Now, let me be perfectly clear:
Even when this trend reaches critical mass, it will STILL be one of the biggest opportunities for writers out there, period.
It’s just that getting in NOW gives you a critical “first-mover” advantage.
By the time other writers “wake up” to this new reality, you could be well-established as a true expert and the only logical choice for top-notch clients since you’ll have so much more experience than the competition.

To Help You Capitalize Immediately on This Trend, We’ve Created an Exclusive Training Experience for You, with One of the Pioneers of This Style of Copy

He’s been featured in Forbes, Inc., and even Dun & Bradstreet as THE PERSON to follow when it comes to this.
That’s because he quietly built a $12-million-a-year “writing” business from the ground up doing it.
And don’t think for a second he had to slave over countless 100-hour weeks, never seeing the light of day.
He did it all while having a GREAT quality of life.
He didn’t have to sacrifice everything to do it. He didn’t have to “hustle” from dusk till dawn.
So you could say he knows a thing or two about how to parlay this skill into massive success.

Meet Your Mentor

His name is Brian Clark.
You may have heard of him.
Brian Clark presenting to AWAI members at the 2017 FastTrack to Copywriting Success Bootcamp
He’s one of the most trusted and respected leaders in the world of online marketing.
And over the years, he’s accumulated one award after another for his work.
  • Featured in over 20 influential business books for his accomplishments…
  • Status as Dun & Bradstreet’s “most influential person to follow on Twitter” for small businesses…
  • Having Forbes give him two awards — one for being a “Top 10” marketing expert and another for being one of the “World’s Top 40” social media talents…
  • Getting recognized by Inc. Magazine as an expert worth following on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Now, the reason Brian is so successful is he’s not only mastered this new style of writing I’ve been telling you about … he’s one of the pioneers!
So what style am I talking about? Content Marketing.
Simply put, content marketing is the exact opposite of just trying to sell someone.
Instead, the goal is to give visitors an outstanding experience through valuable content.
This is why it's so powerful.
It quickly builds trust and connection in today’s over-marketed and over-communicated world.
And this is exactly why content marketing is such a huge opportunity right now for writers.
And as I mentioned, Brian is one of THE pioneers. He’s been developing the format since the late 1990s before it even had a name!
In fact, Brian singlehandedly grew his flagship website, Copyblogger, to millions of dollars in yearly revenue using his proven content marketing strategies.
Today, he’s the CEO of Rainmaker Digital — a $12-million-a-year company that provides content marketing services to its many clients.
Bottom line: He knows a thing or two about how to succeed with content marketing.
Which means you get to learn directly from one of the original sources of it all.

Who This Training Is For (And NOT For)

First, if you’re brand-new to copywriting or to working as a freelance writer, that’s perfectly okay.
This training is definitely for you, because it is designed to take you from “ground zero” to having the skills to make a great living as a Content Marketing Strategist.
If you’re already a working copywriter or freelance writer, this is also for you. It will expand your skill set and give you the tools to stay competitive as this new trend takes hold and become the “standard” in how companies market themselves across the Web.
Now, who is this program NOT for?
It’s not for you if you’re looking for overnight riches or are not willing to put in the work required.
This program is designed to help you IMPLEMENT everything you learn, so you can start landing clients and making a living writing as quickly as humanly possible as a Content Marketing Strategist.
But even though we’ve gone to great lengths to do everything we can on our end to make sure you succeed, it will still require you to take ACTION.
So if for any reason you’re not the kind of person who takes action on what they learn, I respectfully suggest that you pass on enrolling today …
This program is really for the writer who is ready to live the writer’s life and wants to bypass writing sales copy.
But it’s definitely for you if you’re serious and passionate about creating a life of freedom …
A life where you call the shots — whether it’s taking off in the afternoons to play a round of golf, putter around the house, or go fishing… visit old friends… go to lunch with your spouse just because you were in the mood… or anything else your heart desires.
There’s no doubt that becoming a Content Marketing Strategist can give you all that and more.
So if that describes you… and you’re looking to launch your writing career big and fast, then let’s get ready to rock n’ roll!

The Brian Clark Method
Become an In-Demand, Highly-Paid Content Marketing Strategist (In as Little as Two Hours Per Week)

As I mentioned earlier, Brian has created this program exclusively for AWAI.
It’s called The Brian Clark Method… and it’s the ONLY program of its kind.
You’re going to go DEEP into the process Brian uses to create winning content marketing. You’ll learn the exact strategies, tactics, resources, and technology he uses day in and day out — the same ones he used to build a $12-million-a-year business doing content marketing for his clients.
This process has proven effective time after time, in any niche or industry. Which means you’ll be able to use it to get paid over and over again, with client after client.
So here’s how it works…
Brian designed this program to show you how to become an in-demand and highly-paid content marketing strategist in just 10 weeks. Each week, you watch a pre-recorded training module that lasts about an hour.
Then, you spend an additional hour working on your assignments (and implement what you learn).
This is the recommended pace so you don’t get overwhelmed (especially if you already have a busy schedule).
But if you are committed and want to go faster, then please feel free to do so.
Now, the program is made up of 10 separate pre-recorded modules. Let’s walk through each of them so you understand what you can expect as soon as you log into your training area…
You’ll start with a Member Orientation and Overview – just so you can see how everything works. Then, you’ll be right into the heart of the training …

Module #1:
Strategic Content Marketing 101

This is your initiation into the world of content marketing, and you’re going to cover a LOT of ground.
Brian’s goal here is to make sure you fully understand what strategic content marketing is… why it’s so important in today’s marketplace… and what you’re going to need to produce real results for your clients.
By the time you’re done, you’ll be up to speed and ready to tackle the next phases of your training where you’ll be creating a content marketing strategy for a REAL client.
You’ll discover:
  • What strategic content marketing is, and why hundreds of thousands of businesses across the country are in desperate need of a good Content Marketing Strategist like YOU…
  • Why the kind of writing you’ll be doing as a Content Marketing Strategist is a lot like writing fiction…
  • The three key elements of influential digital marketing — and why they’re so important to getting RESULTS for your clients…
  • One simple rule to live by that will guide you for the rest of your career and help you succeed…
  • Why creating a documented strategy is one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself and your client…
  • The five-step framework for creating a content marketing strategy for your clients…
And much more…

Module #2:
Step ONE for crafting your client’s content marketing strategy

You’ve interviewed the client and have all the information you need to get started.
Now what?!
Well, that’s where this week’s training comes in.
You’ll go through a deep dive on the very first step of Brian’s content marketing strategy creation process.
You’ll discover:
  • The single-most important question you must answer for this step…
  • What every business wants and how that fits into your content marketing plan…
  • A key distinction you must make in order to get the best results possible…
  • How to avoid the most common mistake rookie content marketers make during this step…
  • 3 questions you must ask about your client’s prospective customers (get this part wrong and the rest of your content marketing strategy will fall flat on its face)…
  • And much more…
After this module, you’ll have an incredibly solid foundation on which to build the rest of your content marketing strategy.
You’ll take what you learned, and then do it on your own, so you can be ready for the next step.
Please make sure to complete your assignment before watching the next module. It’s absolutely critical — and without it, you won’t have the information you need to do the next step.

Module #3:
Step TWO for crafting a winning content marketing strategy (Part A)

You’ve put in the hard work.
Now the fun begins.
This is where you begin more of the writing process that is very similar to writing fiction.
You’re going to get clear on who you’re creating this content marketing strategy for — your client’s prospective customers.
You’ll discover:
  • Why you want to make sure you’re always CHOOSING who to attract with your content marketing…
  • How to personify the “character” you’ll be writing to…
  • The “audience archetype” — what it is, and what you need to know about it…
  • How to get clear on the character who’s a perfect fit for your client’s business…
  • Why you want to make a list of the characters you’re NOT writing to…
  • How to do the research required to really dig deep into who your character is…
  • And much more…
Make sure to do your required reading and writing assignments for this module. And then get ready to roll up your sleeves and put in some serious work on the next one.

Module #4:
Step TWO for crafting a winning content marketing strategy (Part B)

Once you have an overview of WHO you’re writing to, it’s time to get into the nitty-gritty details and bring this person to life.
So, in this module, you’ll continue where you left off, and start fleshing out this character so you never lose sight of who you’re writing to.
You’ll discover:
  • How to determine your character’s core values and document them…
  • The one rule you need to remember CONSTANTLY as you continue to build out your character…
  • What empathy mapping is, and how it dramatically simplifies the character creation process…
  • Character archetypes — what they are and why they’re important…
  • And much more…
Brian’s also going to introduce you to two important exercises:
  • The empathy mapping exercise
  • The “creating your archetype” exercise
Your assignment in this module will be to complete both of these exercises on your own after Brian explains them to you.
This is your chance to really flex your creative muscle. So, HAVE FUN with this.
And take pride in the fact that you’re well on your way to becoming a content marketing pro, putting in the work that most people simply won’t.

Module #5 Common Questions Answered (Part 1)

Alright, at this point, you’ve covered a LOT of ground.
So, in this module, Brian’s going to go over many of the common questions most writers have at this point.
Remember, by this point you’ve created your character, so you might be wondering if you did it “right” or if there’s anything you missed.
This module will cover those questions and more.
Plus, you’ll get a peek at examples of the characters Brian has created for his clients, so you can get an idea of what it’ll look like once you’re on your own, helping your own clients.
Finally, you’ll get an overview of what’s still to come and how all the work you’ve done is setting you up for success moving forward.

Module #6
Step THREE for crafting a winning content marketing strategy

You know who your character is. You know their core values.
You know what they want, and why.
Now it’s time to put that all into context of the overall experience you want to create with your content marketing — what Brian calls the “buyer’s journey.”
So, this week, you’ll discover:
  • How to uncover the “story” in your character’s head…
  • Why the buyer’s journey is KEY to mapping out a powerful, effective content marketing strategy…
  • How the buyer’s journey parallels Joseph Campbell’s concept of the hero’s journey…
  • The eight core steps in every buyer’s journey…
  • How to make your client’s product or service the “trusted guide” in the journey…
  • And much more…
Are you starting to see why you spent so much time figuring out WHO you’re creating a content marketing strategy for?
Your character (or prospect) is the hero of the buyer’s journey. And it’s your job to help them on that journey, every step of the way.
So, your assignment for this module will be to plot out your own character’s buying journey.

Module #7
Step FOUR for Crafting a Winning Content Marketing Strategy

This week, all your hard work will pay off in spades.
Because now it’s time to figure out WHAT you’re going to say to prospects, WHEN.
Make sure you bring your buyer’s journey map to today’s session, where you’ll discover:
  • What influence touch points are, and why they are important in the buyer’s journey…
  • How to figure out what to say to your character each step of the way on their journey…
  • The concept of “controlling the narrative” and how it can exponentially improve the results your client will get with your content marketing strategy…
  • The biggest mistake most marketers make when it comes to the buyer’s journey (fortunately, you won’t make this one since you’re learning the RIGHT way to do it)…
  • The seven key “influence principles” and how to include them strategically in the buyer’s journey you create…
  • How to think in terms of four different types of content as you map everything out…
  • And much more…
Your assignment this time will be to create a customer journey outline, that details what types of content/messaging you’re going to offer your character, when.

Module #8
Step FIVE for creating a winning content marketing strategy

Alright, you’re almost at the finish line.
Now that you have the entire buyer’s journey mapped out, it’s time to wrap it up by figuring out HOW you’re going to communicate to your prospect (character).
This week, you’ll discover:
  • The importance of determining the right way to communicate with your prospect (and why it can mean the difference between failure and success)…
  • How to uncover the right “how” for the buyer’s journey you’ve created…
  • Examples of how language can elicit very different emotions (and why that matters to your character)…
  • How to think of the “how” in terms of the four types of content…
  • And much more…
Brian’s also going to give you a writing exercise that will help cement what you’ve learned in this lesson.

Module #9
It’s time to attract clients!

Now that you’ve created a “portfolio piece,” it’s time to help you get some paying clients.
That’s why you’re going to apply everything you’ve learned to a VERY important client — YOU.
That’s the beauty of content marketing — it works in any industry.
And in this module, Brian’s going to start showing you how to use it to attract high-paying clients to you.
You’ll discover:
  • How to identify your ideal character to sell your services to…
  • The buyer’s journey that leads your character right to you…
  • Idea starters for communicating with your characters and controlling the narrative…
  • Tips on how to design the content on your site for maximum impact (and results)…
  • Why doing content marketing for yourself is the best “portfolio piece” you can have…
  • Pricing strategies you can use…
  • And much more…
By the time you’re done, you’re going to have a CLEAR action plan on what to do so you can start attracting quality clients.

Module #10 Meet With Brian LIVE On Facebook

This is a rare treat …
As part of your comprehensive training, you’ll actually get to meet with Brian online LIVE on Facebook.
This is your chance to ask him any questions you may still have related to content marketing strategy …
It’s also a rare and exciting opportunity to take your learning to the next level – by getting any key “aha’s!” you need to keep making progress, and by getting feedback on some of the exercises you’ve done so far.
Just one insight, tip, or strategy you get from Brian during this session could make all the difference for you, so make sure you don’t miss it!

Everything You Need for Massive Success as a Content Marketing Strategist

Brian’s pulling out all the stops to help you become a successful Content Marketing Strategist.
In fact, this is exactly how Brian would train you if you came to work for him at Rainmaker Digital.
Before you could write a word of copy, he’d walk you through his entire system, step-by-step as he’s doing here.
In the past, the only way to get this was to actually WORK for Brian, or to be one of his high-end clients. But now, through this training program, you get access to his method as well.
With just these core trainings alone, you’ll have what you need to create a six (or seven) figure career for yourself.
Brian could easily charge $500 for each of these modules, since each took about an hour of his time to create.
That means all 10 core modules you’ll receive access to are a combined $5,000 value.
But Brian is someone who likes to over deliver.
So he’s including a few extra “perks” I think you’ll absolutely love…

Fine-Tune Your Skills with This Over-the-Shoulder” Video Training Series

Brian has arranged for one of his top trainers to create an “Over-the-Shoulder” video series just for you.
In this series, you’ll get an inside look as to how a professional Content Marketing Strategist would approach each of the assignments Brian gives you throughout your training.
You’ll get to see each step of the process in detail, from start to finish.
Brian’s trainer will also reinforce the relevant lessons used to complete the assignment. Then, once it’s done, you’ll have something to compare your work against.
I can’t stress enough how valuable of a tool this is. No more wondering if your work is up to par. Thanks to this additional video training series, you’ll KNOW how to make sure you produce something of high value.
This way, when you approach clients, you’ll be confident knowing you can deliver the goods.
If we were to make this kind of in-depth video training series available for sale on its own, we’d probably charge around $1,000 … but you get it free when you enroll in the program.
However, it doesn’t stop there.
You also get access to …

Your Content Marketing Strategist ‘SUCCESS LIBRARY’

Brian’s going the extra mile to make SURE you have everything you need to succeed as a Content Marketing Strategist.
He really wants to see you land your first few clients… and launch your writer’s life once and for all (or grow your existing business if you’re already a working copywriter).
So to that end, he’s included a complete “Success Library” that will help you with additional insights, templates, and more to get you up and running.
Here’s what you get:

Master the Art of Research

In this special report, you’ll learn the ins and outs of RESEARCH.
When you get your research right, your copy and content marketing strategy practically write themselves.
Writer’s block will be a thing of the past and instead your biggest problem will be having TOO MANY ideas!
And in this report, you’ll learn a simple six-step content marketing research process that works every time.
If this report were to be sold on its own, it’d probably command a $79 price tag. You get it free!


Ever wonder what you should charge? Worried that your charges may be too high? Too low?
Well, worry no more. This exclusive Pricing Guide will give you guidelines on what to charge, depending on the project size. You’ll be set, whether you decide to take on small or BIG projects!
This invaluable report, if sold online, would most likely carry a $49 price tag, but you get it free!


Keyword research is a fundamental part of online marketing. And it’s a CRITICAL part of any winning content marketing strategy. That’s because keyword research is ultimately market research.
It gives you a good idea of what your prospective clients and customers are thinking… and what they want to know before they’ll complete their buyer’s journey.
And this guide will show you how to become a keyword research PRO.
Again, if this were to be sold online, this would probably be listed for $49. But you get it free!


Trying to figure out how to create a work agreement can be a pain.
Normally, you’d have to hire a lawyer and pay his or her pricey hourly rate to create an agreement.
Well, Brian has got you covered.
He’s including this Sample Work Agreement, so you can stop worrying about having to create a contract with clients.
You are free to use and adapt this agreement for all your client work going forward.
If you paid a lawyer to create this, you’d be looking at about $500. Again, you get this sample work agreement FREE!

Why AWAI Could Be Your Next Paying Client

Here’s another “perk” you get with Brian’s Content Marketing Strategist training …
You have a chance to land AWAI as your next client!
We’ve set up a “live” Spec Assignment for you in your Member Area. Feel free to use this as your project to work on as you go through the program.
When it’s done, send it in. The marketing team and I will review it and if we like what we see, we’ll be in touch to pay you and talk about having you create content for us!
I absolutely hope I hear from you and get to read your submission. We’re always looking for great people to work with, and the skills you’ll learn through Brian’s training are something we value HIGHLY.

So Let’s Recap…

As soon as you enroll in The Brian Clark Method, you get…
  • Your orientation and overview session + 9 pre-recorded training modules + the group FB LIVE session —a $5,000 value
  • “Over-the-Shoulder” recorded training series with Brian’s trainer —a $1,000 value
  • Mastering the Art of Research Guide — a $79 value
  • Exclusive Pricing Guide — a $49 value
  • Keyword Research Guide — a $49 value
  • Sample Work Agreement — a $500 value
  • Access to AWAI “LIVE” Spec Assignment — priceless!
In all, that’s approximately a total value of $6,677 to learn from one of the PIONEERS of content marketing.
Let me just stop a second here… and say… how cool is that?!
You get to learn DIRECTLY from the man who helped pioneer the methods being used today — in a $300 BILLION market!
That’d be like an entrepreneur who’s starting out having the opportunity to learn the online retail business from’s Founder, Jeff Bezos.
Frankly, I don’t know of any other training course out there like this.
You’re getting a skill that can practically “future-proof” your career. Remember, Content Marketing is here to stay, and it’s only going to get bigger.
And for savvy writers like yourself, it represents an enormous opportunity.

What Will This Do for YOU?

What AWAI’s The Brian Clark Method can do for you… there’s no telling.
But think about it… if all it did was help you land ONE client at $5,000 a month… would it be worth it?
Or if all it did was give you confidence and the ability to tell your EXISTING clients you now have another critical service you can offer them, would it be worth it?
Or what if all it did was give you a skill set you can use now and well into the future whenever you deem necessary… and gives you the ability to earn an extra $1,000-$2,500 almost instantly, would it be worth it?
When it came to trying to figure out how much to charge for this exciting new program, these are the kinds of questions we had to ask ourselves.
After all, this is — in a way — a kind of “business in a box.” You’re getting Brian’s decades of experience, all in one program.
These are the same methods he used to sell a multimillion-dollar business and start another one that now does $12 million a year.
Even if you used this information to create a fraction of that kind of money for yourself, would it be worth a one-time investment of $3,000… $5,000… or even $7,000?
Because the truth is, if you apply yourself, just one client could mean $5,000 a month — $60,000 a year.
Two clients? You’re clearing $120,000 every year.
So given that, even $7,000 would be a drop in the bucket to learn what Brian has to teach.
But the good news is, you’re not going to pay $7,000.
In fact, when Brian and I discussed it, we agreed we wanted to make it affordable for ANYONE who is serious about launching their writer’s life quickly and efficiently, with little to no wasted time and effort.
Today, you get it all…
  • The training modules and the group FB LIVE session…
  • Access to the Over-the-Shoulder video training series…
  • The Mastering Research Guide…
  • The Pricing Guide…
  • The Keyword Research Guide…
  • The Sample Work Agreement…
  • A chance to nab AWAI as your next paying client (via the “live” Spec Assignment)…
… all for just $2,495.
But there’s one more thing…
Simply click the button below to get started and you’ll get immediate access to all the training materials.
I don’t know of a better way to quickly become a well-paid and highly-respected Content Marketing Strategist.
As soon as you enroll today, you’ll get immediate access to all the modules and all your bonuses, so you can get started right away.

There’s No Risk to Try It Out

Enroll in The Brian Clark Method today and start going through the modules.
See for yourself how easy and fun it can be to create a content marketing strategy and write the actual content pieces.
In fact, you can take a full 30 days to do this — that way you have enough time to go through the ENTIRE training.
If in that time, you still don’t feel what you’ve learned can help you in today’s quickly-changing online marketplace, then no worries.
Simply let us know within those 30 days and you’ll receive a prompt and courteous refund.
Either way, remember:
This is truly the only program of its kind. And it’s the only place you’ll learn Brian’s system for strategically creating content. The same system he’s used to build a $12-million-a-year writing business from the ground up.
And it’s the very system that — if implemented — could help YOU become a six-figure writer, living your version of the writer’s life.

You’re Just Moments Away from Completely Transforming Your Life and Writing Career…

Content marketing IS the wave of the future. It’s here to stay and it’s only going to get bigger.
Remember, it’s already expected to become a $300 billion market by next year…
Which means your opportunity to make six-figures as a writer and to DESIGN the kind of life you truly desire is right at your fingertips.
Clients of all shapes and sizes NEED content. And a large majority of them are more than happy to pay you a retainer. Normally, that’s in the $5,000-a-month range. But you could also choose to just write pieces of content on an “a la carte” basis.
It’s really up to you to decide how much you want to work and make.
What’s more, because 90% of all companies are now using content marketing, you can choose to write in virtually ANY niche your heart desires!
And remember, Brian is one of the pioneers of content marketing.
He’s created this training exclusively for AWAI, so you won’t find it anywhere else.
So what do you say?
Are you ready to become an “early adopter” and reap the rewards as a Content Marketing Strategist?
I sure hope so!
To your Success,
Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI &
Founder, Wealthy Web Writer
P.S. Here’s what I recommend:
  • Go through all the material.
  • Follow the steps on attracting clients.
Then, if in 30 days you’re still not satisfied, no problem.
You’re covered by AWAI’s 30-day money-back guarantee.
So you’ve really got NOTHING to lose and everything to gain here.

American Writers & Artists Institute
101 SE 6th Avenue, Suite A
Delray Beach, FL 33483
(561) 278-5557 or (866) 879-2924