Post 52 Between Naps on the Porch

You have to visit this site!!  Just do it.  Thank me later!
A lot of this and that__tablescapes, travel, recipes, tips, porches, books, home tours and so much more.  Visit Susan.  The time you spend there is worth it!

On the beach in Positano, Italy

The Giraffe Center, Nairobi Kenya

A canal ride in Bruges, Belgium

Getting the Porch Ready for Spring and Summer

Post 51 Bette Wolf Duncan (RIP 2016)


In her bio at, she wrote:
I was born during the depression, on my grandfather’s ranch in Stillwater County, Montana. Later my folks moved to Billings, where I went to grade and high school.  This is rodeo country; and a good portion of summer entertainment involved rodeo attendance.  It is also cattle country; and it was difficult not to grow up a  cowpoke of sorts by osmosis.
I worked during high school as an usherette in a movie theater.   I worked my way through college as a long-distance operator, and I graduated from Rocky Mountain College in Billings Montana in 1954. For the next 18 years, I worked as a Medical Technologist, chiefly in the field of toxicology.  Among other institutions, I worked at Texas Children’s Hospital and Southwestern Medical School in Dallas,  Los Angeles County Hospital in Los Angeles and Valley Presbyterian Hospital in Van Nuys, California.
In 1974, I graduated from Drake University Law School.  Subsequently, I was employed as a Prosecutor in The Polk County Attorney’s Office, Des Moines, Iowa; and as Director of the Regulatory Division and legal counsel, Iowa Department of Agriculture.  For the last eight years, prior to my retirement in 1995, I was an Administrative Law Judge (tax cases).  Since retirement, I have been so busy I wonder how in the world I ever managed before retirement.
Bette was the author of several books and in 2011 she was named “Top Female Poet” by the Academy of Western Artists.

Sibilant and sonorous,
the gentle chinook breeze
hummed along and whistled
as it rustled through the trees…..
southeastward down the Rockies-
a tellin’ tales of spring;
southeastward, down the Rockies-
a smellin’ so like spring.
The pity is, the chinook breeze
swept down the slopes too late;
too late to warm and save from harm
a world that couldn’t wait.

The range turns cruel and vicious
when entombed beneath the snow;
when a savage blizzard’s ragin’
and it’s forty-plus below;
and the stock can’t find a shelter
’cuz there’s just no place t’ go;-
and the killer winds are slashin’
and it’s forty –plus below.
5000 waited for it…
the Chinook that didn’t come….
and all 5000 perished-
5000 minus one.

The blizzard flung its mortar out
and sepulchered in white
a weary world succumbing to
the blizzard’s savage bite.
It clamped its teeth into the herds
of white-man’s buffalo,
strugglin’ hard to hoof up grass
through ice-encrusted snow.
No food… no shelter…blizzard gales
a’ whippin’ cross the land….
the torment was beyond the scope
that man or beast could stand.

5000 waited for it-
a chinook- a ray of sun;
and all 5000 perished….
5000 minus one.
It’s temper bared, the blizzard sank
its fangs into their hides;
with not an ounce of pity shown
for suffering stock that died.
The warm Chinook too late exhaled
its thawing, spring-like breath….
too late for herds, all ice-interred,
that kept a date with death.

Bette Wolf Duncan

Post 49 National Cowboy Poetry Gathering

National Cowboy Poetry Gathering

Post 48 Teal Blake/Artist

Teal Blake grew up in Montana, on the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains, surrounded by ranching country. Growing up in his father’s studio looking at C.M. Russell paintings and reading Will James books inspired him to pick up a pencil and start capturing his own visions of cowboys and the American West.
Teal has been painting professionally since 2005, he was predestined to become, a western artist. Teal has always liked to show what makes the traditional West: cowboys not always clean-shaven, shirts not always creased, and their horses’ manes not always long.

READ MORE ABOUT TEAL BLAKE and or watch videos below;

Post 47 The 2020 Writing Retreat in Maui

The 2020 Writing Retreat in Maui  

Chuck Sambuchino

Freelance Editor and Writers Conference Organizer
What I can tell you right now:
  • This is not a writer's
    conference. It is a writing retreat. The amazing island setting allows writers to have the most downtime to write, learn, relax, meet other writers and read.
  • It will last 4-5 days.
  • I am aiming for fall/late 2020 — somewhere from September on of that year
  • Because of limited space, this is a first-come-first-serve retreat, with 20 or fewer spots available.
  • There will be almost a dozen intensive sessions on writing and publishing.
  • All attendees will receive various personal critiques on their work.
  • While many events take an academic focus, few events are able to seriously do all three of the following: 1) address the craft of writing and storytelling, 2) address the business of writing and getting published, and 3) allow writers plenty of time to recharge their batteries, read, and write creatively. This is a special retreat designed to not only maximize writing instruction and give writers the precise tools they need to get published, but also maximize personal time—whether than means writing, relaxing by the ocean, sipping a margarita, taking some time to meditate, or hopefully all four and much more.
  • Maui is awesome.



Join us in NYC for #WDC19!

The Writer’s Digest Annual Conference offers everything you need to advance your writing career creatively and professionally. Gain invaluable tips to improve your craft, explore publishing options and learn how to establish a sustainable career. Join us in NYC from August 22-25!

Post 45 Avoiding Amateur Writing Mistakes/WD

Help writing a book and avoiding amateur mistakes.Tips on Avoiding Amateur Writing Mistakes

Don’t let these easy-to-avoid mistakes ruin your writing. Get help writing a book with tips from James V. Smith, Jr. and avoid the most common mistakes. When it comes time for writing, be sure you grab a copy of this free download first.
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Post 44 Beat Writer's Block/WD

10 Situation Starters to Beat Writer’s Block10 Situation Starters to Beat Writer’s Block

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Post 43 Plot Development/WD

Plot Development

Plot Development: Charts and Tips for Outlining and Plotting a NovelPlot Development: Charts and Tips for Outlining and Plotting a Novel

Plot development can be one of the greatest challenges when you’re working on writing a novel. If you’re plotting a novel, these plot development charts and tips will help you with writing plot structure, outlining and more. Read More . . .