Spicy Southern Kitchen

Dump and Go Crockpot Recipes are a great way to take the stress out of dinnertime! Just add everything to the crock pot and walk away. The crock pot does all the work for you. Perfect for busy weeknights.
Here are some of my favorite Dump and Go Crock Pot Recipes:
  1. Crock Pot Mississippi Chicken- only 5 ingredients and a wonderful spicy kick!
  2. Crock Pot Chicken and Gravy- a simple recipe with so much flavor.
  3. Crock Pot Root Beer Pulled Pork- only 4 ingredients!
  4. Crock Pot Chicken and Stuffing with Green Beans- a full meal in one dish.
  5. Slow Cooker Brunswick Stew- so much flavor in this easy recipe.
  6. Crock Pot Cheesy Stuffing Chicken- crock pot chicken doesn't get any more delicious than this.
There's nothing better than coming home to a hot meal that's ready to be dished up!


Post 67 Illustrator Tim Jeffs

Art fascinates me to no end! Sketching seems to fit me perfectly, though I dabble in acrylics and watercolor, but check out this artist :

Amazingly Colorful Drawings of Reptiles by Illustrator Tim Jeffs

Amazingly Colorful Drawings of Reptiles by Illustrator Tim Jeffs - My Modern Met

Post 66 Solar Powered for Bird Baths & Pathways & MORE

Guess you could say I am already planning for spring.
The first gadget is solar-powered and fits in your birdbath without cords.
I can drop one in a hanging version away from my cats, too.

Solar Garden Fountain

Solar Pineapple LanternPineapple path light!

Easter 3D Rolling PinEaster rolling pin

Page 65 This Is My Next Project; Mermaid Scallops

Go to her site to read about how Kara Paslay created these mermaid scallops.  I am going to create them!



DIY Fish Scale Tile


Post 64 Water Treats

I love waterfalls, fountains, ponds and whatever.  I'll take one of each!  Lots more at the site.

Post 63 Do Not Miss___


A Spring-Easter Table Setting 


Beautiful Inspiration for Your Spring Decor

This blog is always awesome, but you sure do not want to miss this, so follow the link to the yellow brick road...................

Post 60 RSS

What NOT to do with RSS

By: Richard Keir
Everybody is hot on using RSS to increase their traffic, promote their sites and do their marketing. Why?
Well, it's newish - at least within the internet marketing segment. Not as new as it was a year or so ago, of course. Getting significant results is a little harder as the competition increases.
With the profusion of blogs and spam blog-pinging to attract the search engine spiders to index static pages, the utility of this approach has been seriously impaired by unscrupulous overkill.
Pinging every 3 minutes is - even to an idiot - absurd - or at least it should be. Why not just scream, "I AM AN AUTOMATED SEARCH ENGINE SPAM PROGRAM." Lovely footprint, very hard for even a seriously brain-damaged bot to identify.
Still there are a lot of sites with RSS feeds that are real feeds being produced as pages change and new content is added. So, yes, RSS feeds still work. Maybe not as fast and maybe they are less powerful than they were, but RSS remains a valid and increasingly necessary part of site promotion.
Techniques do get abused and the early rapid response tends to decline as a result. If people were a little clearer about what they're doing and why and how it all works, the frenzied search for new approaches could, perhaps, be a little less daunting. And if the quick buck artists were less successful at misleading people into doing things that are bad for everybody in the long run, then . . . but that's how it is, was, and apparently will be forever more.
One thing about a real feed - it's for more than getting bots to index your pages. If that's all you want then you can stop reading here.
For the remaining readers (if any), consider the single most critical element of any marketing or website promotion effort. You can have the most magnificent site, the greatest ever-changing content, beautiful and valid feeds in all formats -- and very little in the way of traffic. Unlike the search engines who have all those lovely spiders we are so hot to gain the attention of - most blog/RSS search engines and directories do not send out bots in search of RSS feeds.
Nope. You have got to submit to them. I know. I've done the smart thing - submit to a bunch - and the incredibly unspeakably stupid thing - letting the submissions slide because, frankly, it's a horrible boring tedious and extremely boring (did, I mention how boring it is?) job. That's not a very pretty admission, but there you are. I have a limited ability to tolerate severe boredom - even when I know I'm hurting myself.
And if you don't do the submissions, you won't get the traffic you could have. And that means fewer conversions, sales, opt-ins or whatever it is your site is about.
Ah, but there are answers to this problem. RSS submission services exist and so do RSS submission tools. In fact here's a new (still in beta) service that allows you to submit to 17 blog/RSS search engines - with more promised - for free. It's called FeedShot and you can find it at www.feedshot.com.
Now with FeedShot you need to enter each feed individually. However, with a tool like RSS Submitter you can enter from 3 (in the free evaluation version) feeds to an unlimited number in the SEO version. RSS Submitter then submits automatically to over 70 blog and RSS search directories and can also be used to do additional manual submissions with auto-form filling.
This tool is the purest gold for the serious RSS feed marketer. It works, it's easy to use and it saves you incredible amounts of time - and eliminates that nasty boring tedious repetitive work. Check it out and download a free evaluation copy through www.MarketingWithRSS.com/rss-submitter/
Just to be clear here you should realize that you can create and use RSS feeds without ever using any of the ping sites. RSS feed updates are noted by RSS readers/aggregators which check feeds for new content either on demand or on a schedule. RSS/blog search directories also check on a regular basis. Users find your feed through these directories. Again, if you want visitors, then no matter how you do it, you've got to submit.
Obviously, if your feed is produced by a blog, you'll want to notify ping sites when your content is updated. But you still need to submit the feeds. And you can also submit your blog URL to a whole host of pure blog directories, but that's a different subject.
The people who use RSS readers/aggregators in addition to or in place of a browser are the real target group for RSS marketing. When you consider how and what you want to market with RSS, keep in mind that this group tends to still be made up of relatively affluent, early adopters with some technical sophistication, a taste for new technology, a low boredom threshold and a keen appreciation of the value of their time. And don't forget to submit.
Author Bio
Richard writes, teaches, trains and consults on business and professional presentations, eCommerce related matters, RSS and more. For more information on RSS Marketing - www.MarketingWithRSS.com/blog and on eCommerce sites and eCommerce site building - www.building-ecommerce-websites.com
Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com
Related RSS Articles

©2006 ArticleGeek.com: Free Website Content - All Rights Reserved

Post 59 Glacier National Park

I have been abroad several times, traveled every interstate, highway, and road here in the states, including Hawaii and Alaska, even Canada and Mexico.  However, Glacier National Park, is the first of two places I want to stay for an extended visit.  Sanibel Island, Florida is the second place I wish to return to for a lengthy vacation.

When my husband was living, we ran team over the road.  Hardly a stone was unturned traveling in the big rig.  I was fascinated by the majestic mountains, glaciers, coasts with glistening sand, waterfalls, monuments, and well, I could go on and on.  God filled a blessing for me when I prayed to travel.

I have a truckload (just exaggerating) of photos Bob and I took plus postcards.  I want to sometime plaster at least one room's walls with them.

Traveling abroad, I was afforded the luxury of teaching young people my writing style.  Their smiles and genuine interest sparked their imaginations.

But, this!  Glacier National Park; I have got to return for more of it and not just a brief visit this time.  Meanwhile, I will enjoy the video collection below.

I hope you do, too!

Waterton Lakes and Glacier National Parks in 4K

Glacier National Park Montana America 4K

Appekunny Falls in Glacier National Park

Hidden Lake

Grinnell Glacier

Hiking To Grinnell Glacier

Glacier's Going to the Sun Road, Travel Guide

Glacier National Park - Cracker Lake

Gunsight Pass - Glacier National Park

Post 58 I have expanded my blogs!/Gina Day

Hi Ya'll!  Pull up a chair and lets chat a while.

Dear followers, family, and friends,

I am following lead into quite a journey already, but now I am branching out into more blogs to better
able fine-tune and micromanage my individual passions.

The current blog https://ginaannwatkinsday.blogspot.com/ for all writing will now be for my personal posts that I find fascinating and/or are near and dear to my heart.  I will be transferring everything pertaining to my writing projects/manuscripts to my blog at  https://writewriterswingsandthings.blogspot.com/

 The blog   https://godsspiritwriting.blogspot.com/  is now for all writers and readers at every level with resources, tips, and contests.

For all poetry, I have created this blog https://poetrywithpanache.blogspot.com/

Multi-tasking is keeping me company having to stay immobile in my easy chair, because of scleroderma and other health issues.  I can create, write, and research to my heart's content.  Praise God.

https://oursclerodermawarriors.blogspot.com/ is a new blog to hopefully draw my original group
from Facebook.  Our autoimmune disease is the center of this hub, but we often post inspiration, encouragement, medical info, and we also have friendships to treasure while meandering this world as we walk each other heavenward.

Travel daily obstacle courses, memories from yesteryear, and thoughts, dreams, and more in my daily journal here https://blessedmeandering.blogspot.com/  I will begin this blog soon.

I hope I have not confused you, but jot down the links with its goals and this should help.

God bless & keep you!

Gina Ann Watkins Day

The short of it:

https://ginaannwatkinsday.blogspot.com/  My personal site and hub, or heartbeat to the rest of the sites.

https://writewriterswingsandthings.blogspot.com/  My personal pandora's chest of writing projects

https://godsspiritwriting.blogspot.com/  is now for all writers and readers at every level 

https://poetrywithpanache.blogspot.com/ for poetess's and poets

https://oursclerodermawarriors.blogspot.com/ for my scleroderma friends to interact in & you
too if you want to learn about it

https://blessedmeandering.blogspot.com/ My daily blog meandering around in the beautiful
hillside I call home.....

Post 57 Queen of Hearts

In a Kingdom Across the Pond

Though I did not know her personally, I met her once.  Seems like
an eternity ago for a fairytale to begin with love's magic and end tragically.
We were traveling listening to the Titans winning game when
another driver called out over the CB __" She is dead ya'll.  Princess Diana just died."
The news reverberated around the world many, many times before
quieting in hush tones.
I miss her as if she had been a member of my family. We all did.  She was special because of how she carried herself, not who she was or was to be. She was captivating and charming; stylish and grand.

 If you have videos please send them to me to post.
This will be a collective post.

Post 56 All Eyes On Human Trafficking

Google says; The practices of slavery and human trafficking are still prevalent in modern America with estimated 17,500 foreign nationals and 400,000 Americans being trafficked into and within the United States every year with 80% of those being women and children.

In the United Stateshuman trafficking tends to occur around international travel-hubs with large immigrant populations, notably California, Texas and Georgia. The U.S. Justice Department estimates that 35,500–170,500 people enter illegally into the country every year.

Backpage was a classified advertising website that had become the largest marketplace for buying and selling sex by the time that federal law enforcement agencies seized it in April 2018.

Wikipedia saysModern slavery can be quite profitable[12] and corrupt governments tacitly allow it, despite it being outlawed by international treaties such as Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery and local laws. Total annual revenues of traffickers were estimated in 2014 to over $150 billion dollars,[13] though profits are substantially lower. American slaves in 1809 were sold for around the equivalent of US$40,000 in today's money.[14] Today, a slave can be bought for $90.[14]
Kevin Bales once said in a TED Talk, “This is an economic crime,” “People do not enslave people to be mean to them; they do it to make a profit.”[15]  READ MORE HERE

So what I am hearing once again in my lifetime humans/Americans are making
an easy buck off of the weak and impoverished or vulnerable, turning billions of 
dollars out of an escalating and horrific business of human trafficking because 
they are themselves weak and too lazy to get a decent job.
Oftentimes, though wealthy victims are just as likely to be targeted, as the 
impoverished are.  The theft of another's life for sell of sex is cruel, and 
needs to be punished with more severe prison sentences; like throw the players 
on an anchored ship in the middle of the sea without access to human life ever 
again except those who are on that ship with them.