Post 58 I have expanded my blogs!/Gina Day

Hi Ya'll!  Pull up a chair and lets chat a while.

Dear followers, family, and friends,

I am following lead into quite a journey already, but now I am branching out into more blogs to better
able fine-tune and micromanage my individual passions.

The current blog for all writing will now be for my personal posts that I find fascinating and/or are near and dear to my heart.  I will be transferring everything pertaining to my writing projects/manuscripts to my blog at

 The blog  is now for all writers and readers at every level with resources, tips, and contests.

For all poetry, I have created this blog

Multi-tasking is keeping me company having to stay immobile in my easy chair, because of scleroderma and other health issues.  I can create, write, and research to my heart's content.  Praise God. is a new blog to hopefully draw my original group
from Facebook.  Our autoimmune disease is the center of this hub, but we often post inspiration, encouragement, medical info, and we also have friendships to treasure while meandering this world as we walk each other heavenward.

Travel daily obstacle courses, memories from yesteryear, and thoughts, dreams, and more in my daily journal here  I will begin this blog soon.

I hope I have not confused you, but jot down the links with its goals and this should help.

God bless & keep you!

Gina Ann Watkins Day

The short of it:  My personal site and hub, or heartbeat to the rest of the sites.  My personal pandora's chest of writing projects  is now for all writers and readers at every level for poetess's and poets for my scleroderma friends to interact in & you
too if you want to learn about it My daily blog meandering around in the beautiful
hillside I call home.....

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